2010 Writing by Room 1

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Monarch Butterflies

The biggest thing we learnt was that they have a beautiful life cycle.
They turn into a caterpillar after the egg
It finds a place to hang on, then it sticks on a leaf with its BUTTON. It turns into a j shape.
They turn into a green chrysalis, then they go black and hatch.Then they put their legs up and hang upside down. They pump up their wings and flutter.
Eleanor writes I loved the beautiful chrysalis.
Heather writes My favourite bit of the life cycle is when the chrysalis cracks.
Alex writes I like it when the caterpillar pops out of the egg and eats and eats and eats.
Emma writes I really liked putting the Monarchs outside. You put your finger under its chin and put it out on a leaf.
Molly wrote My favourite bit is when the caterpillar goes into a chrysalis and then it goes black.
Maz wrote My favourite bit is when they spread out their wings.

1 comment:

Ann Harlow said...

Hello Room One children! I wonder if you remember me - I was taking movies of you using the interactive whiteboard in class when the Monarch Butterfly caterpillars were in your room, earlier this year. I love your stories about the Monarch Butterflies!
A friend gave me a chrysalis yesterday and I am going to show it when I tell everyone at the University about your classroom today. I have lots of photos and my own story about the wonderful work that you all do in your classroom. I am going to tell them to have a look at your Blog too, because it is so interesting. Love from Ann.